A great question. If you are using web scraping technology you are going to need other tools. “What do I do with the contact information?” The first thing you will want to do is verify the information.  Not every Lead Scraping tool has this capability. 1ProperSix does have the ability to verify email addresses.  This is huge.  It helps reduce bounce rates.  High bounce rates can harm your domain.


You want to do Cold Outreach. Many of the large email sending companies do not allow you to send Cold Emails. 1ProperSix does have an automated campaign module. In fact, we understand  sending Cold Email traffic so much, we built safeguards. We offer Domain Warm Up. 


You have contact information and a way to send Cold Email.  Now what? How about a way to get your email to stand out? With 1ProperSix you can personalize images for your campaign.  Studies have show that email receipients are 70% more likely to engage with an email that is highly personalized.  Read On

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